Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Albums of 2011

Everyone seems to be releasing Albums of the Year lists right now, despite the fact there's still three weeks left. But since I don't want anyone to feel like this blog is anything less than legit, here are some albums that came out this year. Some of them I enjoyed. Others, not so much. One of them I've never even heard of.

Kaputt by Destroyer

Band leader Dan Bejar and his crew of merry destroyers continue to impress. If a guy's been releasing albums for 16 years, you'd expect him to be good at it by now. Sadly, that is not always the case. Look at Dave Grohl. That guy's been around forever and has never had a good band. Jon Bon Jovi's probably even worse. Dan Bejar, on the other hand, started off great and seems to get better with age. On Kaputt, Bejar and friends shirk that bluesy-folksy-rocky sound that the guy's had going for him for so long and move in an unexpected direction: disco... kinda. Kaputt is underrated as a dance album and probably recognized by few as Bejar's best work. Nevertheless, it gets my nod for Album of the Year, which means this list is all downhill from here.

Watch the Throne by Jay-Z and Kanye West

"Disappointing" is probably not the right word. Did anyone really have high expectations for this album? I don't mean to sound all hater, but Jay-Z hasn't put out anything good since The Black Album, and I think we've all had our fill of Kanye for the next couple years. Put the two together at this point in their careers and you get something that would inevitably have more hype than substance. It's not all bad. It's not Drake. But it's not good, and you should quit listening to it. NIGGAS IN PARIS by andreclark

Bon Iver by Bon Iver

I heard this album was good. Honestly, I haven't listened to it. I have a feeling this is going to be on everyone's list, so I didn't want you guys to think I was out of the loop. Maybe I'll listen to it some day, but Bon (Is that his first name? Is Bon a name?) just looks a little too mountain-man for me to take him seriously. In my imagination, this album sounds like a very boring Iron & Wine. I'm sure it's fine.

Calgary by boniver

Live Music by The Strange Boys

No list is complete without a somewhat obscure Texas band. For this list, it's The Strange Boys, who, until this album, were indeed quite strange. They tone down the spazz this time around, which has always been part of their charm. But they make up for it in listenability. So I think it's a fair trade. Lots of honky tonk piano and fuzzy guitar. Plus, lead singer Ryan Sambol kinda looks like a lizard. Is this one of the best albums of the year? Depends how big your list is. But it is an album this year, so it fits the theme of the list. You might do yourself a favor and give it a spin. Stream here

Total Unicorn

I have no idea who this band is. Never listened to them in my life.

Cleaned: 3 plates and saucers, 4 bowls, 3 frying pans, 3 mixing spoons, 1 sauce pan, 1 mixing bowl, 1 baking dish, 1 rice cooker and lid, 4 containers and lids, 2 spatulas, 1 ladle, 1 peeler, 4 forks, 2 butter knives, 2 spoons, 3 measuring cup, 1 measuring spoon, 1 garlic press, 1 edged knife, 2 cups (glass and plastic), 1 coffee mug

Completion time: 29 minutes

Playlist: "Expectation" by Tame Impala, "Bitters Bust" by The Bitters, "Death and All the Rest" by The Strange Boys, "Nurtured Disease" by The Bitters, "Let's Rock the Beach" by Real Estate, "Hold Your Hand" by Dum Dum Girls, "Pink Orange Red" by Cocteau Twins, "Mama Liza" by Konono No. 1

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