Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Man, the dishes are done

Today is a very special day for me, the sole author of Living With No Dishwasher. Not only does it mark the sophomore post for the Internet's hottest dishes blog, but it is also the forty-third anniversary of the birth of rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard.

For those of you who have been fans of LWND since the early days, you know that Big Baby Jesus is, in many ways, the inspiration behind this blog. So I like to honor him from time to time by mentioning him in a post. What he did for hip-hop is what I have charged myself with doing for the dishwasherless community around the world. It is said that there was no father to ODB's style. Much in the same way, there is no style to the way I do the dishes (more on that in future episodes).

Tonight's dish-washing experience was an easy one. After dining out for two consecutive nights, my Live-In Girlfriend (LIGF) and I managed to accumulate only a handful for dirty dishes. Most of filth consisted of bread crumbs and fruity residue and came off with little more than a scrub with slight to moderate elbow grease. I was grateful for this, as I have no upper-body strength to speak of, and I have trouble standing for long periods of time due to general laziness.

Another job well done!
These are challenges I hope to overcome in time. I am optimistic about my development as a dish washer (not dishwasher, as I'm not a machine), and I am confident that with the support of this blog behind me, I will one day churn out the cleanest dish anyone has ever set eyes on. To the future!
Cleaned: 4 spoons, 4 forks, 2 butter knives, 1 edged knife, 1 cheese knife, 3 cups (glass and plastic), 2 coffee mugs, 4 bowls, 4 plates, 2 storage containers (Please note: In an earlier episode of LWND, I referred to such items as "Tupperware things." I would like it to be known that Tupperware does not sponsor this blog, and until it does, I will not refer to its products by the company's name. Also, if anyone has a connection with "T-ware," please tell them to sponsor this blog.), 1 cutting board, 2 wine glasses, 1 blender plus lid, 1 chopstick

Completion time: 12 minutes

Playlist: "Mama Shelter" by The Strange Boys, "Peppergood" by The Samps, "Line Her Eyes" by Dum Dum Girls, "After the Moment" by Craft Spells

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